Dr. John Hayes, Jr
Living and Practicing by Design
Saving the Hearts that Care for Our Lives
How you can develop a thriving private practice and achieve financial independence and peace of mind in today’s world without sacrificing a rich personal life and without spending a fortune on seminars… guaranteed.

John Hayes Jr MD
“Having consulted with Dr. Hayes at least once a week for the past five plus years, I can tell you that his procedures and ideas can help you create the practice and the life that you seek. I am proof that his consulting is powerful. Utilizing many of the approaches that he will share with you, I was able to achieve financial independence and retire from practice at age fifty-four! The last five years that I was in practice I only worked 22 hours a week, taking Fridays off, and I enjoyed six weeks a year of vacation...”

Dear Private Practice Owner,
It’s no secret. Being in private practice is more challenging than ever before. We are living in tumultuous times in private practice. Honestly, many otherwise brilliant doctors are ill-prepared for private or direct pay practice in this brave new world. Ridiculous third party “reimbursements”, rising overhead, staffing, competition, the most demanding global economy in decades, regulatory compliance, staffing, really effective marketing, collections to name just a few of the items you juggle in every single practice day.
A day doesn’t go by where I don’t have at least several calls from doctors about some new procedural, reimbursement or regulatory headaches, demanding records requests, nasty insurance reps, billing disputes, not to mention the extreme pressure to maintain, let alone build a practice, and manage patients who just don’t understand.
Unless you are very careful, this mountain of “stuff”, will consume your energy and staff, depriving you of the real joy and satisfaction in practice helping sick patients get well. After all, that is your purpose. So why has it become so difficult for so many offices?
The answer lies in not having tested systems
Sure, you can travel to weekend seminars, spend a small fortune, and end up a month later never implementing anything of help.
Most offices that buy a coaching program spend into oblivion and end up just like that. But not our practices. Our program works, and
I invite you to see for yourself.
“One year ago my office was in
the middle of what could be called
nothing else but a “meltdown”. My
office manager of 12 years had
retired and we had hired a person
who not only couldn’t get along with my staff but also cost me tens of thousands of dollars due to incorrect billing mistakes.... at the time I was considering closing the office. I was referred to Dr. Hayes and the Perfect Practice just in time! He encouraged me to stick it out and showed me systems that not only smoothed out my staffing problems but quickly put in place a turn key system that has increased our profits and more than anything else, lowered my overall stress in practice.”
Thanks John!
- Dr. Eric
But don’t just listen to me!
Here’s the deal. I practiced smart for over 30 years (and I no longer have to). But, unlike some consultants who have not been in a real office for 20 years, I still see patients.
I still enjoy it. On my own terms with a minimal amount of bullshit. My clients likewise practice with more fun and real prosperity and satisfaction than ever. Learn the right skills and systems and so can you! Even today.
​I have always wanted better ways of dealing effectively with these challenges, without sacrificing a rich private life. Look, when I am not in the office I am hiking, riding motorcycles, fly or offshore fishing, racing cars or whatever else I feel like. For more than 30 years! Like you, the last thing I want is more weekends away from my family and fun. That’s why I spent the last eighteen years perfecting and testing...
Ask yourself: Do my patients regularly and gladly pay me hundreds if not thousands of dollars out of pocket? Is staffing my powerful practice actually enjoyable? Do I look forward to patient hours, or dread them?

The Perfect Practice Platform™...
12 Secrets of Private Practice Mastery
Finally, here is a turnkey system of practice management and expansion with expert telephone and web based training plus an extensive body of print, audio and regularly updated web based material, and more new tools all the time. Tested in real practices and guaranteed to produce results in your office too. Read the following pages find out what your colleagues have said...
Our Clients experience faster practice growth, experience greater peace of mind and work fewer days with reduced stress and overhead. They also are ultimately financially independent and develop rich personal lives.
“Dr. Hayes’ seminar has helped me shape up certain procedures in my practice. His system and principles are strictly designed to show me how to not only have more time and leisure for myself but how to have the Perfect Practice.”
- Dr. George
“I truly enjoyed the entire (Super Conference) weekend. The information was right on. The problems of practice were addressed head on and with minimal stress. Small changes can be made to really improve practice and life.
There is a simplicity and a truth to what you present that I really appreciated. I truly believe the next 12 months are going to produce more than the last 12 years.”
- Dr. John
With my platform tools at your fingertips, these can be your testimonials too!
The 12 Secrets of Private Practice Mastery is a 12 week program of Teleseminar and web based training, continually updated using tested systems and technology that will enable you to have the practice you have always wanted.
In the first Module, we help you decide exactly what YOU want from your practice and life. Most programs never go here. Yet this is crucial to our client’s success. Then in modules 2 and 3 we give you all the tools you need to hire & continuously train affordable, effective staff...in the remaining weeks we continue to build upon and erxpand these key private practice systems.
Our system is unlike anything you have seen before, in many cases cutting your expenses and payroll hundreds of dollars a week!
We next show you how to master the technology and data management issues once and for all.
But perhaps most importantly, when you adopt our program your office will run smoother and more profitably than ever before.
Forget what the pundits say, this is still a great time to be in private practice and we show you why.
So what does a complete program that’s this comprehensive cost? Far less than comparable and especially traditional practice management programs!
There are 12 Separate Weekly Teleseminar Core Modules; valued at $15,537, These Core Modules are yours to have access to for the full 12 weeks so you can truly master the concepts.
The 12 Secrets Program also will help you master human resources, cash profit centers and executive skills and wealth building.
An Initial Practice Evaluation by my team, mutually structured to best suit your individual needs is also part of the platform package. Here, our staff helps you put this program to use immediately.
You will be emailed all the key training elements each week for 12 weeks.
You will then receive a personal list of recommendations after our initial phone evaluation, to help you make the best use of the Platform, and all its components.
Our on-line Notes includes dozens of pages of sample documents including hiring and training, setting up an office and compliance manual, and theme based internal marketing. We are adding to these and updating whenever appropriate.
The Value of this exclusive teleweb coaching and personal development package could well exceed $100,000.
Your investment price is only$2,497. Your net cost should be $0, because our clients have commonly more than double dtheir return in the first month, many in the first week after implementing even our most basic strategies!
No Hassle Money Back Guarantee*
If you have not completely recovered your program cost in the first 15 weeks, just send me proof of your completed recommendations from each of the 12 weeks action steps*and your actual use of my advice and systems implementation for a complete refund.
*This does NOT Apply to Platinum Client or other paid consulting time.
Our clients say it best..

“Why would you pay another consultant thousands of dollars, plus travel expenses, for you and your staff, lose income being out of your office or quality time with your family (weekends, vacations, etc) when you can have all the Practice Building information through Perfect Practice Web at an affordable rate and no hidden expenses with all the support to create the life and practice of your dreams now!”
- Dr. Rick
“The ‘No hassle, No hustle’ policy of Perfect Practice is one of the reasons I joined 9 months ago. I finally found a consultant who speaks my language without the “High Pressure” of other coaches. Through Perfect Practice, I have streamlined my initial exam and created a “Wow” factor in my office, which has greatly increased my referrals. I still have a ways to go to be where I want to be, but I am well on my way with the sound strategies that I get from Dr. Hayes.”
- Dr. James
Perfect Practice Web has revolutionized private practice management, and can do the same for your practice, and your life! That’s why clients around the US and other countries utilize our products and services every day!
So now, the rest is up to you. Our record speaks for itself. If you can find a better consulting program anywhere, buy it!
But, if you are not where you know you should be, or need a guide like most doctors do, let us help you grow too.
I look forward to helping you achieve the practice of your dreams, without the travel hassles and without the sales hustle.
John Hayes Jr MD